Now Casting Homeowners in the LA area who want to renovate their homes after going through a divorceNow Casting Homeowners in the LA area who want to renovate their homes after going through a divorce or breakup. Are you ready to reclaim your space after a breakup? If you are planning to renovate your home or have already begun we’d love to hear your story! Please email with the following info: Name:Location:Contact information:Occupation:Recent photo:Links to social media page:Short description about your current situation:Budget for renovation:
Now Casting Homeowners in the LA area who want to renovate their homes after going through a divorce or breakup. Are you ready to reclaim your space after a breakup? If you are planning to renovate your home or have already begun we’d love to hear your story! Please email with the following info: Name:Location:Contact information:Occupation:Recent photo:Links to social media page:Short description about your current situation:Budget for renovation: