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Balón de Oro - Los Angeles, CA

Balón de Oro

Looking for SEATFILLERS in Los Angeles, CA!

Come see one of soccer's biggest award shows LIVE! Get the chance to sit near players & celebs, while watching the show!

SEATFILLERS - El Seat Filler es para ocupar los asientos para las estrellas durante el evento. Durante el evento las estrellas quizas tengan que ir a camerino, presentar un premio o algo por el estilo. El seat filler se encargara en llenar el asiento durante y mientras la celebridad no lo ocupe. Cuando la celebridad regrese a su asiento el seat filler tendra que ceder a la celebridad y esperar la proxima apertura. Sera casting de audiencia. // A Seatfiiler is a person inside the show who fills seats when a celebrity guest gets out of their seat (to visit the restroom, schmooze with friends, or whatever), or if a guest is late to arrive. They quickly fill that empty seat with a warm body. All seat-fillers do is sit in the seat until the celebrity returns, and then they get up and give them their seat back. The seat-filler then waits for another opening... Sort of like a game of celebrity musical chairs. You never know who you may sit next to. This is casted audience.

Tickets are free and available exclusively to our members, but space is limited so hurry and apply for your ticket. This is a casted audience. You must be 18 years old or older to attend this show. After your ticket request is submitted, some members, NOT ALL, will receive an E-Ticket via email prior to the show. Check your email 2-3 days before the show to see if your request for tickets was accepted. Not a member yet? Sign up today, it’s easy and it’s free. You must be a member to apply for tickets to this or any of our shows.


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